Sunday, April 08, 2012

HAPPY EASTER, 2012 Edition

We didn't have any special Easter plans this year, so my roomie and I decided to play a new game that we made up: Aldi Chopped. It's a pretty easy game. You just wander around Aldi, adding things that you might like to eat in the cart, and then you have to make an Easter menu with those random items.

Sound scary? Well, here was tonight's Easter feast: Artichoke and Feta Dip with Crackers, Bone-In Smoked Ham with Brown Sugar and Pineapple, Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Maple Syrup, Fresh Green Beans with Garlic and Lemon, Corn on the Cob (um, in April?), and Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.  I declare myself the new Aldi Chopped Champion!

And then for a seaonal art project, we also made some tie-dyed eggs. They didn't exactly turn out as advertised on the box (they never do), but we had lots of messy fun coloring them! 

HAPPY EASTER (or Passover) everyone!


  1. I'm assuming you like Aldi? We dont have them here, but I walked into one in MI and Buffalo and I walked right out.

  2. Hello

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    and i saw yours and i found it very interesting keep up
    the good work i'll be back for more

