Monday, July 29, 2013

Layering on the summery goodness...

My roommate is still home, malingering after her gall bladder surgery, so I find myself in charge of making us breakfast, lunch, AND dinner (or brunch, supper, and late-night snack, as the case very well may be). That's a lot of food ideas that I have to come up with every day! Today, I made a cream of tomato and roasted red pepper soup with fresh parsley and basil, and The Pioneer Woman's "best ever" grilled cheese sandwiches on the side. Bless her heart, P-Dub doesn't lie. Those sandwiches were the business!

I used multigrain bread buttered lightly on the outside and spread with a very thin layer of mayo and spicy brown mustard on the inside, a slice of provolone, a whole mild chile (from a can, though roasting your own Anaheim would be better), a slice of cheddar-jack, some pickled red onion slices, another slice of provolone, a tiny bit more of the mayo-mustard sauce, and topped with another buttered slice of bread. Then you grill the sammies SLOWLY over low heat so that all of the cheese has a chance to melt before the bread burns. PW's version also involves sliced tomato, but I omitted that layer because we were having tomato soup.

Then for dinner, I made a version of something I had pinned to my "Recipes to Try" board on Pinterest called Mexican Shrimp Cobb Salad (though it has no bacon or bleu cheese, so that's probably a misnomer). Mine had farm stand lettuce, smoky cumin-lime shrimp (large ez-peels tossed with cumin, smoked paprika, granulated garlic, salt and lemon pepper then sauteed, and the pan deglazed with lime juice), avocado slices, grilled corn cut from the cob (nuked for five minutes in the husks then blistered over a gas burner for a minute or two), seasoned black beans (from Trader Joe's), artichoke and garlic salsa (Aldi), chopped tomatoes, (farm stand), shredded cheddar cheese, black olives, green onions (farm stand), and creamy cilantro tomatillo dressing (1/4 cup each mayo and sour cream mixed with 1/2 cup of my homemade roasted tomatillo salsa, a couple of cloves of minced garlic, and thinned with lime juice).

The salad was really yummy, but I think it needed some crunchy, crushed-up tortilla chips tossed on there for good measure. Note to self for next time. Also, if you were to layer all of the ingredients in a trifle bowl, it would be a real showstopper to take to a picnic or potluck!

Recipe inspired by:

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