Saturday, August 09, 2014

I found heaven in the frozen foods at Trader Joe's!

I may be one of only a handful of humans in all of Christendom who has had the good fortune to savor the two best examples of kouign amann outside of Brittany, France: the DKA at Dominique Ensel in NYC (home of the Cronut--a lesser pastry, IMHO) and the signature baked good of Kouign Amann in Montreal. So I am uniquely qualified to evaluate the kouign amann sold frozen at Trader Joe's.

Are they better than the two superlative versions? No, of course not. But if those two are tens (elevens!) out of ten, the TJKA is a solid eight. And being able to bake them at home, to smell the caramelizing butter and sugar wafting out of your own oven, and to taste the decadently flaky, sweet pastry while still warm? Well, that bumps the experience up to a nine. Plus, they are only four bucks a box (less than the cost of one pastry at an upscale bakery)!

As I took my first bite, I closed my eyes, my head lolled back, and I cried out to my Creator. Now these things have no business being a part of a low-carb diet, of course, or of anyone's diet who wishes to maintain health and longevity. But as a once-in-awhile special treat, it is hard to go wrong with the TJKA. Just thought you should know gentle readers. Do with this information what you will. ;-)



  1. I've never had one, ever. What do they taste like?

  2. Like a VERY buttery, sugary, caramelized croissant.

  3. I love these too, what are some of your other favorites from Trader Joes'
