Sunday, August 09, 2015

My New Favorite Gadget: The Instant Pot!

I belong to several Facebook fermenting groups, and in one of them, people were going on about a thing called an Instant Pot, which is a multi-cooker/electric pressure cooker. So I purchased one when Amazon had their big Prime anniversary sale, and received the Duo60 7-n-1 a little over a week ago. Since then, I read the manual and recipe book, and watched I'd say about a thousand tutorials on YouTube, and I was mentally ready to give it a go. I did the initial steam test, and all seemed well. The hardest part was figuring out where the condensation cup goes!

So, here's what I did for my inaugural IP meal: I had a 2 3/4 lb. pork shoulder roast which I cut in half, seasoned and sautéed both pieces on all sides in the pot in a little olive oil, then removed the meat and sautéed a sliced onions and two cloves of minced garlic. I put the meat back in, added a pound of drained sauerkraut, a little Worcestershire and soy sauce, and a cup of water. I set it to Manual for 50 minutes,

When the pressure dropped (naturally), I fished out the meat and kraut, and in the collected juices (or at least a cup of them), I cook about six medium cubed potatoes in the remaining broth for five minutes on Manual to make mashed potatoes. TA-DAH!

1 comment:

  1. I've seen the Instant Pot pop up in many food blogs. It sounds really useful but it would be a splurge for me. I'd like your opinion on whether it can replace the stovetop completely? I cook for one so quantity wouldn't be a factor.
